Promoting Corporate Culture: An HG Fenton Tea Experience

Recently we had the pleasure of holding a tea workshop for HG Fenton, a local real estate company. They set themselves apart with an out-of-the-box office culture, holding monthly events from cooking to painting to meditation. They love supporting San Diego vendors, so you could say it was a perfect match.

We set up in their slick lobby, decorating the long table with flowers and serving a tempting cheese plate. When everyone took their seats, Amy served samples of black, green, and a herbal rooibos tea. While guessing the names of each herb (a Paru tea party favorite), the two ends of the table competed to get the most right. It was a tie. Everyone created their own take-home blend, with black, green, and herbal equally popular.

The workshop was completely full, and all but one was already a tea drinker. However, everyone only drank bagged tea. “I never realized the tea bags were actually dust,” someone said, a sentiment shared by all the others. After some proper tea education, everyone seemed enlightened. Our tips were news to just about everyone. “This is a long way from my mom making me tea with a microwave,” one commented as she steeped her blend.

Everyone named their tea at the end. Some of the more creative names included Rockin’ Rooibos, Tealicious, Black Beautea, and Gorange (which included green tea with orange peel). Everyone left happy and swearing they’d switch to loose-leaf. Thanks for having us, HG Fenton. We hope we gave your lunch breaks a sophisticated touch.

We’re always happy to spice up a corporate event. Book us!

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